Minagene’s panel utilizes hybrid capture-based next-generation sequencing to simultaneously evaluate over 500 cancer-related genes from solid tumor specimens. This identifies clinically relevant genomic alterations to guide targeted therapy selection.
Tumor DNA undergoes library preparation prior to enrichment of all coding exons across key oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Paired formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen tissue is supported. Whole exome sequencing is available based on indications.
Key Highlights of Minagene’s NIPT
-Interrogates both common and rare driver mutations
-Detects microsatellite instability and tumor mutational burden
-Determines homologous recombination deficiency status
-Identifies comprehensive genomic profiles
-Supports enrollment in matched clinical trials
By applying an unbiased genomic approach, clinicians gain a thorough understanding of pathogenic alterations to maximize treatment effectiveness through precision medicine paradigms.
When to Consider Minagene’s Comprehensive Tumor Gene Panel
Physicians should order Minagene’s comprehensive panel for advanced solid tumors, particularly where standard therapies have failed, to guide selection of matched targeted agents and immunotherapies.